Your “one stop” online store for sanitizing tablets and sanitizer solution testing kits for the food service industry

We at understand that commercial sanitizers and their respective test kits are a requirement of health departments across the United States. Keep your customers safe from infectious bacteria and maintain a reputation for good hygiene practices. We stock the globally trusted Steramine sanitizer tablets and a selection of highly recommended test strips such as Hydrion QT-10. Stock up on your sanitizer and test kits in one place and benefit from excellent rates and free delivery throughout the US.

Sanitizer Test Kits For Restaurants

Meet Federal, State and Local health regulations by regularly testing your Quaternary Ammonium or Chlorine sanitizer solutions. We help you keep a good supply of the right sanitizer test strips in your restaurant or bar

Steramine 1-G
Sanitizer Tablets

Keep food safe from cross-contamination! Choose the best multi-purpose cleaner for sanitizing food contact surfaces. Steramine is accepted and registered by the EPA as effective at preventing the transmission of infectious diseases.

Steramine 1-G
Sanitizer Tablets

Keep food safe from cross-contamination! Choose the best multi-purpose cleaner for sanitizing food contact surfaces. Steramine is accepted and registered by the EPA as effective at preventing the transmission of infectious diseases.

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July 2, 2020

Sanitize scuba gear in one step with this EPA approved anti-microbial product

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Steramine vs Bleach – which is better, and is Steramine safe?

Many kitchens use bleach as their sanitizing agent for third-sink compartments and general cleaning, but how does bleach weight up to Steramine? Is Steramine better than bleach?

Words from happy customers

  • Handy way to get good result. There is a release of color so you know when Steramine is in the sink. I have worked in several commercial kitchens and also worked as a custodian and product is safe and effective when used with included instructions. I would also trust it on colorfast art pieces and tools.

    Sunshine Coast Avatar Sunshine Coast

    I have been using this product for years professionally as a bartender. I finally decided to purchase them for personal use. They’re fantastic for sanitizing surfaces, sinks, bathtubs and showers, lots of areas in your home. I have superior trust in this product and believe in it. They are very easy to use as long as you follow the directions. More isn’t necessarily better, keep that in mind. I can’t stress enough, follow the directions.

    Dove Mining Avatar Dove Mining
  • I bought these because my store was out of Clorox. They are great with no smell. I used an old Clorox bottle to dissolve them ( it only takes a few mins). My bottle had 150 tablets; it will be a very long time before I have to purchase again. Fast Shipping!

    Eco Super Cleaners Avatar Eco Super Cleaners

    They work great, I dissolve a couple tablets into a bucket of water and use it to clean up around the kitchen. They dissolve well and there isn't really a smell to to it that I noticed. For the price you can't beat it! Definitely worth buying.

    Oneclean Supercleaner Avatar Oneclean Supercleaner
  • While working the meat industry I learned about quaternary ammonia. It was used and approved by the USDA for sanitizing our surfaces. Each of these tablets will make a spray bottle of sanitizer. Follow the instructions. Only for non-porous surfaces. We used this a chlorine cleaners which might harm your household items. I use both and feel I am doing all I can.

    Fry Oil Saver Avatar Fry Oil Saver

    Awesome! No complaints. In these crazy times we are currently in, I have been doing more cleaning than ever before. (As I am sure MANY of you have). So let me add a few uses I have been using Steramine for that you might like to also use. I am adding one tablet to my dishwasher, in addition to the dishwasher soap used. I also like to clean my floors with my Shark cleaner. I have also started adding a tablet into my Shark water reservoir b4 use. I feel my kitchen floor is more sanitized by doing this. Do not add to laundry as it has a light blue dye in it.

    Ryan Eales Avatar Ryan Eales
  • Sanitizes like bleach but without the toxicity and nauseating smell of it. Perfect for surface sanitation and pot sink sanitation. Each bottle has 100 tablets. Dissolve in 1 tablet per gallon of water, wipe surfaces and let it work for 1 minute before drying. Same with pots and pans. I have used it in a restaurant and school cafeteria for almost 20 years without a single issue. Great for home as well.

    Coffee In A Cone USA #coffeeinacone Avatar Coffee In A Cone USA #coffeeinacone

    I have been using this product for years professionally as a bartender. I finally decided to purchase them for personal use. They’re fantastic for sanitizing surfaces, sinks, bathtubs and showers, lots of areas in your home. I have superior trust in this product and believe in it. They are very easy to use as long as you follow the directions. More isn’t necessarily better, keep that in mind. I can’t stress enough, follow the directions.

    Dove Mining Avatar Dove Mining
  • Awesome! No complaints. In these crazy times we are currently in, I have been doing more cleaning than ever before. (As I am sure MANY of you have). So let me add a few uses I have been using Steramine for that you might like to also use. I am adding one tablet to my dishwasher, in addition to the dishwasher soap used. I also like to clean my floors with my Shark cleaner. I have also started adding a tablet into my Shark water reservoir b4 use. I feel my kitchen floor is more sanitized by doing this. Do not add to laundry as it has a light blue dye in it.

    Ryan Eales Avatar Ryan Eales

    I bought these because my store was out of Clorox. They are great with no smell. I used an old Clorox bottle to dissolve them ( it only takes a few mins). My bottle had 150 tablets; it will be a very long time before I have to purchase again. Fast Shipping!

    Eco Super Cleaners Avatar Eco Super Cleaners